Movie ~ Hoodwinked | My Movie Land

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Movie ~ Hoodwinked

Hoodwinked is a 2005 animated movie. I did have it back then but after watching it for a couple of minutes, I decided that I did not like the graphics enough to continue and watched another movie instead.

Time passed and I became too bogged down with work for movies until earlier this month. I have to admit that I would not even have selected Hoodwinked if not for the really short movie this is as I was so busy yet wanted to catch a movie that I selected the shortest movie. If I remember correctly, it only has about 85 minutes of runtime and that is VERY short already.

So when I decided to watch this movie, I was forced to stop at the 18th minute to take care of other pressing work and I did not get to complete the movie till a couple of days later. I find the movie rather funny once I got past the awkwardness of the graphics

And who is my favourite character? It has got to be Granny. She is so funny especially towards the end of the movie. This is a true case of never judging a book by its cover in the sense that I do not like the graphics at all but the story line itself is great!

Who is telling the truth, who is not? Who is the good guy and who is the bad? If you have 85 minutes to spare, WATCH THIS! You would be surprised!


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