*The Wild* (2006)
In Madagascar, which was released last year, there were numerous mentions of "The Wild" and Disney even took it as the movie title!
*Madagascar* (2005)
Do New York Zoo, Africa, Indian accented animals, the Statue of Liberty, ice rink or ship travel ring a bell? Both movies have these, plus the same animals like lion, giraffe, penguins and I don't remember what other creatures. Having watched these movies back-to-back, both blended into each other. I mean, Madagascar could easily be "The Wild" and vice versa.
Penguins in Madagascar
Copycating doesn't end there. There's the lion - cub (father/son relationship) ala The Lion King and the "I am God" plot ala Ice Age.
Madagascar's animal characters look like one-dimensional paper cut-outs, which are really fugly.
Alex & Marty in Madagascar

Marty in Madagascar
On the other hand, The Wild's animal characters are talking/dancing/singing SOFT TOYS! I like the koala with a missing front tooth, though tee hee
Samson & the Koala (name forgotten) in The Wild
The Koala in The Wild
Can't these production houses, spending millions on a movie, be more realistic?
Having said all these, I did enjoy myself watching both movies. I enjoy mass singing and dancing of the animals. Cute.
So, in conclusion, you can either watch Madagascar OR "The Wild" but if you want to be a masochist like me, watching them back-to-back, you can play a game of "Spot the Similarities" as well.
The Madagascar gang
I really enjoyed "Madagascar". Sacha Baron Cohen (aka Ali G) stole the show in his role as the king of the Lemurs.
"The Wild" is Disney's attempt to cash in on a successful formula. Can't blame them.
Ali G perfected the Indian accent. He also sang the "I Like to Move It" song.
Did you have the sense of watching paper cut-outs characters? That was how I felt.
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